Featured Items
An evolution in design, the new Model Extreme Heat solar
window heater has set a new industry standard.
The core of the Extreme Heat is the aluminum "U.S. Patented
Solar Air Heater profile.
Solar Air Heater Fan, Matched System Double Fan Kit.
This kit is complete with 2 custom wall vents with
metal wall duct mounting assembly.
Solar Window Heater
Our portable solar window heater design allows you to move the unit to follow the sun for maximum heat gain. These solar window heater are used to supplement an existing home heating system and can save up to 30% to 40% on room heating costs annually. How can a solar window heater help reduce your monthly heating bills? During the fall and winter the sun is low in the sky. South-facing rooms receive the majority of the sun’s direct rays. When a solar window heater is installed, these rooms have more exposure to the sun energy. Our solar window heaters are portable and can be moved to follow the sun. Sub Categories
The patented "Step-Wise Heating Technology™"
Because on the design, the Solar Air Systems "Step-Wise Heating Technology™" solar air heaters modules have an increased surface area exceeding 23% over a flat plate solar air heater collector system.
The Original - Solar Window Heater Company. An evolution in design, the new Model Extreme Heat natural solar window heater has set a new industry standard.